Wednesday, May 16, 2007

John Edwards is a Fucking Asshole

This story has been out for quite a few days, and I wasn’t going to comment because so many others have and done an excellent job. Below is an excerpt of John Edwards’ suggestions from and no, I’m not linking it. Now some of these suggestions are very sensible and appropriate for Memorial Day. The BULLSHIT is in italics.

Get local, get active, and get outdoors. Walk the streets of your neighborhood. Get everyone you know to sign a petition to your local government body—for instance, your town or city council or neighborhood association—to pass a resolution requesting that Congress use its funding authority to support our troops and end the war. Bring the petition to the next meeting.
Because that will surely do alot of good.

Send our troops a taste of home. Go shopping with your kids, your friends, your neighbors, and buy a whole bunch of stuff that would make a soldier happy to receive (check for restrictions). Then go through a site like,, or to send your package to a soldier in Iraq.
Not one thing wrong with this!

Gather in public. On Memorial Day weekend, get your friends, kids, co-workers, neighbors, aunts, uncles, grandfathers, grandmothers, and anyone and everyone you know together to publicly support the troops and end the war. Be sure to check with your local authority for any permits you need for public gatherings. Contact local media to publicize your event. Before you get started, please take a moment of silence to honor the fallen. And during your event, make sure you conduct yourself respectfully—both for those serving in Iraq and the memory of the brave servicemen and women that Memorial Day honors. Share your plans here.
As of yet, I have never seen anyone who is anti-war conduct themselves respectfully, especially if there is a TV crew nearby.

Pray. Organize a prayer vigil for our troops at your house of worship. Honor the fallen.
No problem here either.

Make your voice heard in Washington. Call President Bush at (202) 456-1111 or email him at Call your Representative and U.S. Senator and ask them to use their funding power to support our troops and end the war.
That is your right to do so.

Get vocal. Buy a bunch of poster-board and markers. At a picnic or with family and friends, make signs that say “SUPPORT THE TROOPS - END THE WAR.” Bring them to your local Memorial Day parade. Then take a digital photo of yourself and your family or friends holding up the poster and tell us about it. We’ll include it in a “Democracy Photo Album” on our site.
Please heed me on this- if you do this at a Memorial Day Parade, there is every chance in the world that the veterans marching in said parade will break ranks and beat you senseless. Old Sarge and I will be marching in a parade as we do every year, and I can guarantee you HIS response to such assholery.

Greet a vet. Before Memorial Day Weekend gets started, get in touch with the Yellow Ribbon Fund and volunteer to provide welcome-back services and mentorships to injured soldiers returning home.
Again, nothing wrong with that.

Say thank you. Send a thank-you note to our troops through organizations like Let's Say Thanks, A Million Thanks, or Operation Care Packages. Better yet - gather folks together to write thank-you notes at a picnic.
Or that.

Help an injured vet. Before Memorial Day Weekend gets underway, contact your local VA Hospital and learn how you can volunteer.
Good on ya if you do.

Light up the night. Get your friends and family together and organize a Memorial Day candlelight vigil to support our troops, end the war, and honor the fallen. Share your plans here.
I truly think if you light up the night, the chances are great that you will be lit up. As in a target. Bad idea.

As always the American Legion is miles ahead of every other veterans organization with this message:

"We Americans need to remember why Memorial Day is special. It’s not about picnics or trips to the beach. It’s not about making pro- or anti-war statements. It’s not about supporting political candidates. It’s about honor, duty and the ultimate sacrifice. It’s about people who have decided that the United States is worth dying for."

Please read the whole thing. If you can stomach it, read the comments.


At 5/16/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Jack Army's response and approach to the whole thing: want to support the troops and bring an end to the war? sign up, get in the fight so we can win and get this over with. Even the Air Force has some easy entry requirements and some places for people to work.


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