Tuesday, May 02, 2006

In The Interest of Fairness...

I suppose it's not right to poke fun at one child and leave the other unscathed. So to prove that I am an equal opportunity mocker, we have THIS story:

Our younger son is occupying the small bedroom upstairs. Since he left for basic, it's been kind of a catch all for Christmas decoration boxes and the like, so we've had some work to do. This weekend we got an armio..armoir?...a thing to hang his clothes in and a nightstand, moved all the boxes out and let him clean up. I was in the kitchen when he yells down the stairs, "Hey! Somebody PUKED up here!"
Me: Yeah, it was you!
Him: No way!
Me: Yep, sure was. Right after I put the new carpet in there for you, you puked right beside the bed. I know because I had to clean it up.
Him: Man, I don't remember that.

Later....he comes downstairs with a barf-covered petrified T-shirt.

Him: I guess it was me, I found this under the bed.

WHAT?? My house cleaning skills have deteriorated to the point that for the enitire four years he was in the Army, I never noticed a barfy T-shirt under the bed?? Well halle-fucking-lujah, because that was ONE piece of hidden treasure I wouldn't have enjoyed unearthing.


At 5/02/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mummified yak... now there's treasure. At least the one who buried it was the one to uncover.

I'm thinking that he'd have rather passed.

At 5/02/2006, Blogger Richmond said...

Holy Cow!! Bahahahaha! :)

At 5/03/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean I slept in the same room as that shit? ewww.....


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