Friday, May 26, 2006

Have a Great Weekend, You'uns

Mine is already off to a fantastic start with a phone call I got today- Tammi got the good news she was waiting for, and I got the good news that she gets to stay here!

Plans? Clean, laundry, garden, etc., family quality time at the farm on Sunday, and a parade and cemetery duty on Monday. I hope it's as warm as they predict; for one thing, maybe I can burn this crap out of my lungs, and for another thing, fat doesn't look nearly as disgusting when it's lightly browned. Or so I tell myself.

Y'all have a wonderful weekend- and please take the time to remember WHY we have this time off.


At 5/28/2006, Blogger Tammi said...

Thanks sweetie~ Once I have a home again - we are sooooo celebratin' this one!!!!


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