Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Vacation Time

Posting's going to be light for a week. Son #2 gets married in Brunswick, Jekyll Island actually, on Saturday and we'll be leaving Thursday. I have no dress. I have no shoes. I desperately need a haircut. I DO have son #3 & #4's birthday presents. Be sure to wish Young SGT a Happy 25th Birthday!

I have never seen the Atlantic Ocean, and we'll be staying right on it. All I have to do to have a perfect weekend is not deck the ex-wife for being a stupid insufferable fucking cow and get to have drinks on the beach.


At 10/10/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you get to have your first Atlantic experience there... especially at this time of year when the weather is so great. Enjoy the time. No hitting of the exes... unless you just need to.

At 10/10/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's an awesome place, RM. You'll enjoy the hell out of it.

At 10/11/2006, Blogger Tammi said...

You can do it!!!! I know you can. You're gonna have a great time-I just can't wait to hear the stories. And I know DAMN WELL there'll be stories!

At 10/11/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well she's not MY ex... can I punch her? I can't punch my students, apparently, so I'm down for punching a dumb broad!

At 10/13/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love weddings... and what a great wonderful place you will be.

I am headed to a wedding Saturday as well... but not in a beautiful place as you will be... :)


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