Friday, September 15, 2006

Primal Scream Morning

Can it get worse??? I have only had about 4 hours sleep, on account of a Whitetails Unlimited banquet we went to last night. More about that later, we kept the streak alive! The fog is so horrid I could barely see to get into work this morning. What I WAS able to see was that I had only one diamond earring in. So somewhere between the bed, the shower, the gas station and the car, my Christmas present has gone missing. I had three ASAP orders call in within 5 minutes of being here and not enough trucks to do them with. Much frantic phone calling. One of the drivers I had sent to me had a minimal amount of English, no familiarity with the area, got lost and then when he did finally get to the job, had loaded the wrong material. I fired his ass on the spot before my head could launch into orbit. Fortunately he was able to understand, "You're done."

I am sure there is a reason that we can not drink at work.


At 9/15/2006, Blogger Tammi said...

Ok - are we having mirror mornings? Damn - that fog kicked my ASS this morning. AND - while not a driver, I've got a rep that wishes he DIDN'T understand english right now. I think the phrase I used was something like "No. That's It. I'm done with you. All Done Bye Bye". But did I wanna cuss....oh yes I did.


At 9/15/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hope you found your earring, that's important! It's yo bling, mama!


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