Monday, December 12, 2005

Oh It Is Early!

Well, since I have PLENTY of time in the morning now to do stuff, (I'm getting to work an hour and a half before I need to, courtesy of my very kind a.m. chauffeur) I decided to put my time to good use. If you didn't read this last week, I'll link to Matt's piece. I stocked up on Christmas cards this weekend and am addressing as many as I can to soldiers at Walter Reed. I would hope everyone can take a few minutes out of their busy holiday schedule to do the same.
Another burr up my ass this morning is the possible protest of Andrew Patten's funeral today. Via, apparently Fred Phelps' group of wackos is planning on disrupting this family's last few hours with their fallen son. We talked to some VFW members from the Rockford area on Saturday, and they are not going to let this stand. I wish Sarge and I could be there to help, but I know the men and women there will do their best to keep these assholes at bay.
I very rarely have anything good to say about Illinois government, but our Lt. Governor is a gem. Pat Quinn is proposing a law that would prohibit protests within 300' of any military funeral. I don't know if it stands a chance of passing, but God bless Lt. Gov. Quinn for always keeping the welfare of our armed forces and their families first and foremost. Damn, if he ever ran for Governor, I might even vote Democrat!


At 12/12/2005, Blogger Tammi said...

I was going to try and go also but I couldn't get off work.

The good news is the bastards didn't show up.


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